Saturday, November 27, 2010

Day 27

Thanks to Kim, I got to start on a lovely pair of plain white All star Chuck Taylor's today. ♥ As it was requested, it's a henna design but I added some Arabic flares to it. Tomorrow or late tonight I'll be adding a little red to the design. I've only finished the right shoe so far but I couldn't wait to share it! So you know what your looking at cause some things aren't really straight forward when looking at the pictures, the right shoe (2nd picture from the right.) has a design with some writing in Arabic (Translates as Love, Peace, Joy.) and the back column of the shoe (Last picture from the right.) has my signature and a flower. I hope you like them! Please give feedback!

1 Peter 5:8

Kim's Shoes

Monday, November 22, 2010

Day 22

So... I died. But now I'm back, thankfully! Sorry about the wait, peoples.

I've started a new piece that is going to take me a while to finish but Imma keep you posted on it. The drawing represents a story of relationship, love and struggle. The left half is a man, the right half a woman. The quality of the drawing is MUCH better then it appears here, due to the fact I only have my camera on my phone to take a picture with. So, I hope you all like it and please give me feedback! Thanks!

Acts 20:24

One Among Two
Graphite on Paper

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Day 9-10

So yesterday and the day before I hadn't had time to post. SORRY! But, I bring two pictures for you today! A piece I drew in like two hours yesterday and a shirt I drew today. You can claim this bad boy for another awesome tee to add to your closet collection for a mere price of $20 bucks (while most custom shirts cost $50-$145 bucks... Ew.)!  Lemme know if you'd like one at and we can discuss sizes!  Sooooooooooo anyway. Here you go and COMMENT!

1 Corinthians 13

Utter Humanity
Ink on Paper

Ink on Cotton
Displayed: Size SML.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Day 8

I fell alseep while trying to post last night. Woops! Soooo here's the post for yesterday.:

Another tattoo!! This one has a meaning behind it... I'd like to hear what you get from the design! Comment it up people. It'd be much appreciated.

Romans 8:38-39(MSG)
Try and make an effort to read this. God is so good!

Body Art

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Day 7

Today, I ended up getting sick and being UBER busy seeing the family and all sooooooo I never had a chance to draw anything today :'( AH! It's sad, I know. But, I'm going to post something I did the a while ago instead just cause I hate to leave you guys with nothing! So here is tonight's art and I hope you enjoy it.

1 Peter 5:10

Radio Ruins Everything
Ink on a T-shirt

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Day 6

Today, I went to my Aunt's birthday party and I ended up wearing my designed shoes there. WELL, apparently a lot of people will buy them for some big dough! As of now I've got 2 new projects coming in that I'm actually getting paid for and I made some money on just doodling on the front of some chucks!! My goodness. So, if you're interested in a pair, email me at and I can design 'em with whatever you want! Oh, and here's my art for the day :P

John 1:1
"I love you, Dolores."
Ink on Cardboard

Friday, November 5, 2010

Day 5

And I've realized one thing today... I have zero patiences when it comes to coloring. My goodness!

Proverbs 26:22

Nuff Said. ^
P.s- I believe Patrick Bergin has some of the creepest eyes ever. Just sayin.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Day 4

Sharpie+My Bare Arm= Drawing bliss!

If you don't already know this about me, I draw on myself ALL THE TIME. I probably have more fun with it then I ever do with paper. I mean, come on. Art you can wear on your body! How can you resist?! But anyway, I took sometime to research some Japanese body art (Thank God for google images!) and gathered bits and pieces of things I liked to create the over all picture below. I free handed it so it's kinda messy. Lemme know if you like it!

Hebrews 6:10
Japanese Body Art
Sharpie on bare skin

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Day 2-3

So, my lovely sister gave me the greatest idea the other day. That I should buy some cheap old white sneakers and pimp em up... So that's what I did :) I went out to target and bought their white sneakers (Which were 9 dollar-roonies by the way. All around score. Check em out, peoples.) and a set of laundry sharpies. For the last 2 days I've been doodling away and this is the results! Hope you like it! GIVE FEEDBACK PL0X!

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Right Foot

Left Foot

Monday, November 1, 2010

Introduction (Day1)

Ok... So here's the deal.

  My name is Sadie Swartz. I'm a young artist right out of dinky ole' PA hoping to make some kind of art career out there. I haven't had any formal education in art, haven't sold any of my pieces, nothing. All I have in me is a God driven passion to draw. To create.
  I'm starting a blog here hoping to start a journey. A spiritual journey. To express the hurts, the joys, the loves and the down right grossness of life through art. So, I hope you enjoy my posts on BentProxy! It should get interesting.

1 Samuel 16:7
Pesadillas Manchado
Ink on Paper